SENIORS: Applications for UC or CSU schools are completed online. On Wednesday, October 1st, you can start to input your information. For CSU schools, you can save and submit your application anytime after October 1st. For UC schools, you can save your work now, but you can’t submit your application until November 1st. The deadline for both UC and CSU schools is November 30th. PLEASE DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE DEADLINE to submit your application. Some schools have rolling admission and if you apply sooner, you will be notified earlier if you were accepted. Also, the websites have been known to crash. If the website is down on November 30th, you could miss your opportunity to apply. You should plan to have all applications in before you leave for Thanksgiving Break.
If you need help choosing schools, majors, or just help with college in general, the Counseling Department holds College Workshops every Tuesday during 6th period. To attend the workshop, please sign up in the counseling office.
If you need help filling out any of your college applications, the Counseling Department will hold Application Workshops during 6th and 7th period from October 27th to November 7th. There will be sign-ups for this in the counseling office starting October 20th. It would be beneficial for you to try to get as much of the application done as possible, then come to us with specific questions.
A CSU representative will be on campus October 29th (a late start Wednesday) at 7:40am to help answer questions about the application process.
Lastly, here are a list of links that can help you through the process:
CSU Mentor: this link will take you to the website to explore and apply to CSU schools.
CSU Handbook: this link will take you to a booklet that gives you all the information you will need to fill out your application.
UC: this link will take you to the website to explore and apply to UC schools.
UC Handbook: this link will take you to a powerpoint that goes step by step through the UC application.
UC App help: this link will take you to the website that explains the information you will need to gether before applying. For the UC schools, you need to write two Personal Statements. The prompts are listed, so you can get started. You should have many people read your statements. Lastly, this link provides a 1-800 number to call with any questions you might have.
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