Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Seniors: It is time to fill out the FAFSA!

Seniors, the window is now open to fill out your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).  You must complete a FAFSA application to be eligible for financial aid in college.

Here is the link for the FAFSA.  Make sure you are the website that ends with ".gov"  Any of the websites that end with ".com" are not the official FAFSA website and you are giving your social security number and financial information to the wrong people.

You want to complete the FAFSA as early as possible.  If you have questions, there are little tutorials along the way to help you.

Your parents can use their tax information from last year to fill out the FAFSA.  They have 60 days after submission to go back in and change information based on the the taxes they do this year.

When you complete the FAFSA you will see a section that asks you about the CAL GRANT.  The CAL GRANT is free money from the state of California to help you go to school.  The Cal Grant money is awarded on a first come, first served basis and is based on your GPA.  Canyon High will submit your GPA electronically.  You don't need to have your counselors sign any paperwork for you.

When you fill out your FAFSA, there is a portion that asks you to list 10 schools that you would like to be allowed to get your financial information.  Colleges use this information to decide your financial aid package.  Make sure you list your schools in alphabetical order (see your counselor for an explanation, it's too long to post, but it's a good idea!)

The deadline for turning everything in MARCH 2nd.

Please see your counselor if you have questions.

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