Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Impacted Campuses and Majors

      Students: As you are narrowing your choices for college, please make sure to take into account which colleges and majors are impacted.  If a school or major is impacted that means that there are more applications than spots available.  Many of the UC and CSU schools are impacted.  This means that although you might meet the minimum requirements, the school will likely require higher requirements for its applicants.  Below are a few websites that will show which UC and CSU schools and majors are impacted:
CSU campuses that are impacted:
CSU search for programs at each campus that are impacted: http://www.calstate.edu/sas/impactionsearch/

       It is possible that a school will not be impacted, but the major you want at that school will be impacted.  For example, CSU Bakersfield is not impacted.  If you have a 3.0 GPA and have met the minimum requirements for A-G, then you can get into Bakersfield.  However, they do have impacted majors on their campus.  We will use Nursing for this example.  Nursing is an impacted major at every UC and CSU campus.  If you are interested in Nursing, the requirements for acceptance at Bakersfield are going to be more rigorous than just a 3.0 and the minimum A-G requirements.

      There are five CSU campuses in California that are not impacted.  We want to recommend that you take a good look at these schools while you narrowing down your choices, especially if you are not completely set on your major.  College representatives have told us that at the impacted campuses it can be difficult to change your major (again, because the majors are so full).  However, if you are studying at a non-impacted campus, you will have an easier time changing majors.  The five non-impacted CSU campuses are Channel Islands, Bakersfield, Dominguez Hills, East Bay, and Stanislaus.  

      We are offering a field trip to CSU Channel Islands.  The field trip will be on Thursday, November 19th from 7:45 am to 2:30 pm.  The cost is $15.  There are only 15 spots left, so if you are interested please stop by the counseling office TODAY!  This would be a wonderful opportunity for you to explore a non-impacted campus that shouldn’t be missed.

      If you have any questions, please stop by the counseling office.  Also, don’t forget the counselors will be in the library 6th and 7th period November 9th through the 25th help with college searches and applications. 

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